Monday, December 26, 2011

Girls Shoes

!±8± Girls Shoes

Any parent or guardian knows what a challenge it can be to satisfy the needs and wants of young girls, especially when it comes to what they wear. Fashion is so very important at this stage, and keeping up with the latest trends will stymie even the most creative and committed parent or guardian. Girls shoes are a big part of this undertaking. Practicality does not need to take a second seat to style, however, since makers of girls shoes understand how hard it can be to keep those young ladies happy while satisfying the budgetary considerations of the ones who will be paying the tab.

This challenge really begins in the toddler ages. Even though infant girls may not be fully aware of just how their appearance is being presented to the public, the need to show up in attractive footwear is just as important at this point as it ever will be. Luckily, makers of girls shoes know this, and they provide a wide selection of shoes for the very young ones that will protect those fragile feet while looking good.

Parents and guardians have so many choices available to them in girls shoes for toddlers. There are athletic shoes, boots, clogs, denim shoes, sandals, and skate shoes. There are a variety of casual and dress shoes to choose from as well. Mary Janes, patent leather shoes, slip-ons, and t-straps are available in all toddler sizes. There are of course many styles of booties and easy-to-wear shoes for infant girls that are designed with the parent or guardian in mind, while at the same time staying in touch with the latest fashion trends.

As the girls get a little older, they become even more aware of their look. This means that even though they are out playing, they will still want to look their very best. Makers of girls shoes are aware of this, and they offer so many different shoes that can stand up to the wear and tear of any active young girl's daily life. Athletic shoes alone can make up a big part of a young girls wardrobe, yet the need for a sense of style and color choices is still a big part of what they want.

DC Shoes is one maker of girls shoes who has a grasp on the latest styles in athletic shoes. They offer many choices for girls starting with the very youngest ladies. Sneakers and skate shoes in different colors and materials can match any outfit while being able to hold up to the activities that are so important in girls shoes. Heely's, Saucony, Geox, and Stride Rite also offer many good choices in athletic girls shoes, from the pristine all-white style to the multi-colored look that is so very popular.

There will also be those times when something a little more dressy is called for. Umi, Kenneth Cole, Tommy Hilfiger, L'Amour, Jessica Simpson, and Primigi have many selections to offer for those special occasions. There are flats, slip-ons, and t-straps in all the colors of the rainbow. There are shiny leather patent shoes and shoes with pom-poms and glitter that will meet any fashion need possible. Boots, sandals, athletic shoes, and dress shoes are all part of a young girls wardrobe, and the many makers of girls shoes will likely have something for any style and budget.

Girls Shoes

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011


A glamorous week end on the slopes, The D&G Womens collection for Winter 2011 portrays the girls perfect wardrobe for a stylish week end on the slopes. A wardrobe made for spending time cuddling with boyfriends inside a warm chalet or for sunbathing on the slopes. For happy hour, for shopping time and for all night parties.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Work it This Winter - Must Haves for the Perfect Winter Wardrobe

!±8± Work it This Winter - Must Haves for the Perfect Winter Wardrobe

Winter wardrobes don't have to be depressing gray and black. Make your outfits shine this season by adding color and texture. Follow these tips and you will easily look modern and trendy while standing out from the drab days and crowd.

Heavy Metal

Metallics are back this season, but in a more subdued way. Instead of the bright golds and silvers of seasons past, this winter it's all about bronze, pewter, gun metal silver, and dark gold tones. Mix it up with different textures and intensities of metal to give your outfit extra interest.

Try adding a metallic bag or shoes to your everyday look. They are sure to give your outfit some snap during those gray days. Wear a metallic coat or strapy heels with your little black dress for a dramatic evening look. However you incorporate metal tones into your wardrobe, you are sure to turn heads.

Tight Spaces

Tights and leggings are the ultimate winter accessory. They can instantly add a jolt of color or texture to an otherwise mundane outfit. Not to mention the fact that they are the single most effective way of making your summer and fall skirts and dresses stretch into the winter months.

This winter it's all about black leggings, black or nude fishnets, or patterned tights in classic colors such as black, navy, or cranberry. If you really want to pop, add turquoise tights to a black dress and shoes and you will be in with all of Hollywood's fashionistas. Invest in a variety of colors and textures and get those legs out girls!


To wear the cowboy boots this season or not to wear the cowboy boots. They were all the rage last winter, but this season 80's inspired boots are in hot demand. Pair ankle boots with skirts dresses or skinny jeans for the ultimate 80's chic look. Slouch boots can replace your cowboy boots, as they have low heels and look great with any skirt or dress or with your jeans tucked in to them. Boots are a great way to update your look without replacing your whole wardrobe.

No need to let the gray days get you down. Whether you add metallic clothes and accessories, funky tights or a new pair of boots to your wardrobe, make a point of adding something trendy to your closet this winter.

Work it This Winter - Must Haves for the Perfect Winter Wardrobe

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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Women's Halloween Costume Ideas For 2010!

!±8± Women's Halloween Costume Ideas For 2010!

This year make it a Halloween to remember by finding "The Best" women's Halloween costumes available. You can find sexy costumes of all kinds, whether you're petite or a plus size woman. There are some awesome ideas available.

Many times when searching for women's Halloween costume ideas, it can be overwhelming to pick just one good outfit. And don't get me started on the shoes!'s best to start looking NOW so that you can get the shopping, searching, deciding and free shipping done before it gets too busy out there.

One hot costume idea for a woman is the Retro Groove outfit. Bring back the seventies in style. Or get super with a female superhero outfit. Batgirl is an all-time great look year after year. And a "very hot" women's costume idea is the Fire-girl costume. Sure to make any party a heated success.

Another great way to add to your ideas is the accessories such as mentioned above the right shoes and boots, jewelry and one thing that most people overlook...some killer contact lenses. Contact lenses will surely separate your outfit from everyone else's. All your girlfriends will be jealous with envy.

Whatever you decide, make sure you take your time this year with your women's Halloween costume ideas. Think about what your goal is this year. And look at the great couple costumes available too. Popeye and Olive Oil are wonderful ideas, as well as the classic Plug & Socket costumes. Just so many fun costumes for you as a woman and for your mate as well.

Cheers and have a fun and safe Halloween!

NOTE: For more information on Women's Halloween Costume Ideas, please click the link below!

Women's Halloween Costume Ideas For 2010!

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Your Wardrobe: 7 Basic Steps to Success

!±8± Your Wardrobe: 7 Basic Steps to Success

Does the label make the clothes? The answer is only if you feel like you have to be a name dropper or if you are on a red carpet revealing who designed your gown. There are some in certain social sets who would disagree with this, but the reality is that if you are an average person, it is much more important that you look your best in a style that is appropriate for your lifestyle and body type than it is to have the latest label.

When was the last time that someone who you respect for his/her fashion sense told you that you looked great? By keeping seven basic principles in mind, you can look great all of the time.

Step 1: Know your body type
None of us is perfect so know your measurements and shape. Think about arm, leg and torso length and shoulder, hip, waist and thigh shape and width. Evaluate your overall body shape. One trick we like for this is standing in front of a mirror with someone tracing your shape on the mirror with soap. Ok, so you will have to wash the mirror afterwards but it gives you a great sense of your shape. Finally think about the areas you want to hide or accentuate.

Step 2: Be realistic
This works for all body types. Wear clothing that fit properly. Squeezing into a smaller size does not make you smaller. It makes you look like you have gained weight and didn't buy clothing that are the right size. On the flip side, wearing baggy, bigger clothing in an attempt to hide things does not work either. You just make yourself look sloppy and larger. Don't buy what you wish you looked good in, but what really does compliment you.

Step 3: Just because they make it in your size...
...does not mean you should buy it and wear it. Fashion is only fashionable if you look attractive in it, not because a celebrity is wearing it or it was in all of fashion magazines. Low-rise pants brought this point home more than any fashion trend in recent history. A few years ago, you just couldn't be seen in public if you weren't wearing low-rise pants/jeans. However, 75% (and that is conservative) of the women in this country should not have been wearing them. Now at this point we need to say that our opinion of low-rise pants may not be mainstream with the rest of the fashion industry's opinions but we know what we see. Also bear in mind that there are different styles of low-rise pants and some of this disastrous fashion situation could have been avoided by changing the style of low-rise worn. Low-rise pants make long torsos look longer. The smallest amount of excess weight or flab in the middle is emphasized. Someone with no obvious waistline looks even straighter and less shapely. Large bums look larger as do wide hips. However, everyone rushed out to buy them and we have been subjected to rolls of fat, thongs sticking out the back and worse ever since. Moral of the story - wear a style that flatters not fattens and you will receive many more compliments.

Step 4: Know your colors
Black is not everyone's best friend. Colors sold in the stores in a particular season may not be yours. Regardless of which method you use to determine the right colors for you, it must be done. If you aren't sure, contact an image or wardrobe consultant for some professional help. It is worth the time and money. I had a client who went from people asking her if she was sick all of the time to people asking her if she was having an affair, all because she changed the colors in her wardrobe. Suddenly it seemed like her skin was glowing, her eyes were shining and she was well rested and ready to take the world by storm. People started to take notice. What do you do when your colors are not in the stores? Stock up on base pieces when the season or colors of the year are yours. When the main colors are not yours, you can usually still find accessories to complement your base pieces or check out last year's clearance and discontinued items.

Step 5: Build a base
You have conquered the major challenges: knowing your body, knowing your colors and not becoming a fashion slave. So now you actually need to build a wardrobe. Your lifestyle will determine where the emphasis lies on the core elements of your wardrobe. However, here are a few suggestions on what you should have. You will need to adjust according to your life, but remember the key to any successful wardrobe is having items that can be mixed and matched with other items. Please note that we are not breaking up the list by summer and winter. Some of your items will be year round and some will be season.

3 pairs of work pants 2 pairs of casual pants 1 pair of evening pants

2 skirts for work 1 skirt for weekend or fun 1 skirt for evenings or social events

Jackets/Coats: (Where you live determines the weight)
2 Blazers or suit jackets for work 1 casual jacket for weekend or fun 1 evening jacket or wrap

1 pair of tennis shoes (sneakers) 2 pairs of black, brown or navy (depending on your base color) casual or walking shoes 2 pairs of work shoes in black, brown or navy 1 pair of stylish boots for winter or sandals for summer 1 pair of evening shoes

One week's worth of work tops/blouses 2 casual weekend tops and 2 tshirt tops 1 evening top

Not all shapes lend themselves to wearing dresses. However, if you love dresses, you should have one for work, another for play and a third for evening if you have a lot of social occasions.

Step 6: Think before you buy
Unless you are buying a new base piece, don't buy an item unless you already have three things in your wardrobe with which you can wear it.

Step 7: Budget
Spend the bulk of your budget on the base pieces. You will thank me later for this advice. Quality base pieces will last and will remain fashionable. Fill in your wardrobe with accessories with the remainder of your wardrobe budget. These items are often the trendier or more seasonable items and have a shorter shelf life in your wardrobe. And for those of you who do not have a wardrobe budget - get one. The easiest way to have an out of control closet or overflowing shoe bin is too just go shopping willy-nilly without a plan.

We cannot possibly cover all of the do's and don't of fashion in one article but these seven steps should get you started. It is important to have a plan, make a list of what you have and stick to it. It is even more crucial to know your body, be realistic and wear what was made for you, not what was made for a super-model. Happy shopping!

Your Wardrobe: 7 Basic Steps to Success

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

How To Find Proper Fitting Shoes When You Have Odd Sized Feet

!±8± How To Find Proper Fitting Shoes When You Have Odd Sized Feet

If you have feet that are wide or narrow finding the right shoes can be an arduous task. I should know, not only do I have wide feet but from being a bodybuilder for over 30 years I have also created an issue for finding clothes to fit right due to being larger than the average gorilla!

You don't have to go to the extreme of having shoes custom made to get the proper fit. With the internet it is now easier than ever before to find the correct shoe for your foot. People with narrow or wide feet do not have to settle for shoes that don't fit anymore. Online, you can actually find vendors who sell nothing but odd size shoes for those with wide or narrow feet.

Many people think that the issue of wide feet is primarily a problem for men but this is not the case. Women have the problem as well. It is sometimes easier for women to deal with the issue of wider feet however due to the large array of sandals and strapped shoes available to them.

While men may not have as large a selection as women there are many merchants that specialize in shoes for men with narrow or wide feet in dress shoes, casual shoes as well as athletic footwear. You will also be pleasantly surprised to find that the prices aren't as high as you would think for such specialty items. Just remember that due to this being a rarer product than that of the general public the inventory available may be limited and you may have to wait for the shoe you want to come in stock.

Another thing that one needs to bear in mind is that the fit of the shoe will vary depending on the style. This is most important for women who may need a different size when wearing heels than they do with a wedge for example. Even when shopping online this doesn't have to be an issue, most reputable online footwear stores offer a liberal free return policy to alleviate the fear of being stuck with shoes that don't fit properly.

Some women are embarrassed to have large feet but they need not be. Having large feet is not a derogatory thing and does not make you an ogre so get over it! It's funny because some men who have small and narrow feet have feelings of inferiority as well. Who cares about what size your feet are? That's what makes the world so interesting, diversity. It also creates markets for different products. Whether you have feet that are larger and wider than that of the general population or feet that are narrow, the best selection you will find anywhere can be had on the internet.

How To Find Proper Fitting Shoes When You Have Odd Sized Feet

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

High Heels Shoes And Knee Length Boots - The Style Statement Of Gen-X Girls

!±8± High Heels Shoes And Knee Length Boots - The Style Statement Of Gen-X Girls

When it comes to style, no one would like to be the odd one out by wearing the old-fashioned regular footwear that have been a treat to look at years before. Everyone is exploring the latest and trendy footwear that should be able to represent her exclusive fashion statement. The choices ranging from sexy knee length shoes to the jazzy platform shoes. They prefer to pick one that will dazzle her feet for next prom night, wedding occasion or other such event.

High-heeled shoes prove to be the most aesthetic pair of shoes when going out for special occasions or night outs. These designer pair of shoes is made out of quality materials using leather and patent leather.

Knee length boots teamed with mini skirts and other short dresses add a sense of grace and class to your walk and will definitely set you apart from all the rest. You can also select among several designs that are on offer, such as plain stripes for elegant women, all covered knee length shoes for that sexy tomboyish look and many others. Black, red and white are the primary colors in which these high-heeled shoes are presented for you to flaunt your sexy feet and legs. Patent leather and leather are the options that are available to you for different materials in which these jazzy knee-length shoes are available. However, if you feel uncomfortable about the heels, you can choose from 4.5, 5.5, 6 and 7 inches heel that is available in the market.

You can also beautify your outfit for the evening with zip Knee length boots. Apart from this, some other unique design of knee length boot is available in the market like, transparent lace up boots, which can be considered to show your style statement.

In addition to having a choice of varied style and designs of high heels shoes and boots, the competition among the manufacturers and retailers proved to be a gift for the new generation style icons as they are getting a handsome discounts on every purchase irrespective of the quantity and the amount of purchase. So let them become the icon and beat the world by her style.

High Heels Shoes And Knee Length Boots - The Style Statement Of Gen-X Girls

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